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Optical networking and real-time provisioning: An integrated vision for a next generation survivable optical Internet

Posted on:2004-11-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Assi, Chadi MFull Text:PDF
This thesis addresses the important problem of how to dynamically provision, maintain, and, in the event of a network failure, restore both high-speed connection requests (full wavelength) and low-rate traffic streams (sub-lambda connections) in future IP-centric optical networks. It focuses on the implementation, modeling, and analysis of various protocols and algorithms associated with this next generation of optical networks.; The main body of this work is divided into two main overlapping phases. The first phase addresses dynamic routing and signaling associated with provisioning, maintaining, and restoring full optical channels/lambda (lightpaths) at the physical layer. We develop analytical models to evaluate the performance of the proposed provisioning algorithms and we validate their accuracy through numerical comparisons with simulation results.; Due to the high bandwidth involved, any link failure will have catastrophic results unless protection and restoration schemes form an integral part of the network design and operation strategies. We develop efficient provisioning algorithms for shared path protection that exploits the sharability property to improve the overall network performance. We compare the performance of different decentralized selection algorithms via simulations and analytical models. Moreover, in shared mesh networks, propagation delays and switch configuration times are the main components of the restoration protocol; hence, we propose a novel method that eliminates the effect of these components combined together, and as a result bounding the restoration time to a minimal value.; The second phase addresses dynamic routing and signaling associated with provisioning, maintaining, and restoring low-rate traffic streams (sub-lambda) at the logical (IP/MPLS) layer. To dynamically provision low-rate streams at the this logical layer, we develop several dynamic routing algorithms that provision connections on the logical topology built on top of the underlying physical connectivity connecting IP/MPLS routers. Moreover, and to provision restorable connections, we design a survivable logical topology; we have developed a novel integrated protection scheme to dynamically allocate restorable-bandwidth guaranteed paths for designing IP/MPLS over WDM networks that can protect against single optical link/node failures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Optical, Network, Provision, IP/MPLS, Dynamically
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