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The role of local media in peacebuilding in Nepal

Posted on:2012-10-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Ryan, Luisa Caitlin PhillipsFull Text:PDF
Journalists are often severely impacted by armed conflict: they may be the victims of targeted violence or co-opted by one side or another to spread partisan propaganda. In protracted conflicts, journalism training, financing and infrastructure may dry up completely, impacting the ability of community members to access information. Media development in post-conflict settings has become a priority of funding bodies, as an independent fourth estate is believed to strengthen democratic mechanisms, and guard against a return to violence. The Nepal case study serves to explore how local media may interact with an evolving peace process, and what support the international community may be able to offer. Drawing upon grounded theory, this thesis presents the findings of fieldwork conducted in Nepal from December 2010 to January 2011. Thirty-three in-depth interviews were conducted in three key geo-political locations. Core findings of this research reveal that the Nepalese media sector needs continuing support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media
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