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Design and implementation of a wireless serial network in an industrial environment

Posted on:2005-12-27Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Hurd, David Lee, SrFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a description of the process involved in designing and implementing a wireless serial network used in an industrial environment. With the increased level of automation in today's factories, it is often necessary to find ways for distributed control devices to communicate with one another. This thesis follows a project which required data collection from sixty-six mobile testers used in an appliance factory. The project is described in detail, from the conception of the idea, through the design and implementation process, indicating each decision required, problem encountered, and solution devised.; The result of the project was a successful Master-Slave network using spread spectrum RF modems to allow the data collector to communicate with each of the testers.; This thesis is divided into 5 chapters with the first being an overview of the project and the initial constraints imposed. Chapter two describes the research involved in trying to find a reliable and stable method for communications to the testers, and then selecting the vendor for the components.; Chapter three describes the process of designing the network, including the many decisions involved in selecting the topology and protocol. Chapter four then describes the actual implementation of the design and the problems encountered during installation and debug of the system. And finally, chapter five includes the final results and conclusions of the project as well as suggestions on better ways to have completed the project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network, Project, Implementation
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