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'Pain destroys beauty': The construction of feminine diseases in the press of 1920--1930

Posted on:2010-03-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Lopez Pineiro, AmarilysFull Text:PDF
Health and diseases are two important states in human beings, but historically one is related to social stability, while the other is accused of creating mental and physical indisposition in the individual. Meaning, that health represents a normal state of the body, whereas disease is the state that alters that normality. Social institutions, like the Church, State, medical community and Mass Media have fomented this type of construction. This investigation proposed that the press in Puerto Rico during the 1920'S through it's medical propaganda contributed to represent and typify the health of puertorican woman. Using gender as category of analysis we find that puertorican press throughout its advertising images made allusion to the "evil" that feminine body produce, creating a range of regulatory concepts associated to a normal event of the body, the menstrual cycle.
Keywords/Search Tags:Press
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