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The Financial Analysis Of Ningde Era Under The Framework Of Harvard Analysis

Posted on:2020-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578481029Subject:Accounting master
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The development momentum of China's new energy automobile industry in recent years is prompting the world's major automobile producing countries and enterprises to gradually eliminate doubts and deeply understand the inevitable trend of developing new energy vehicles.At present,the vast majority of countries are taking action to gradually ban the sale of fuel vehicles.In the future,many multinational auto companies will compete to enter the new energy vehicle market.As the world's largest power battery producer,China has unprecedented opportunities for development in the context of the strategic transformation of the global automotive industry.In the Ningde era,it took seven years to become a "unicorn" in the power battery industry.Studying it helps us understand and predict the business situation and the status quo and future of the industry.As a more comprehensive financial analysis method,Harvard Analysis Framework combines the internal and external environment of the enterprise with the competitive advantage of the enterprise.It analyzes the business status of the enterprise and identifies the operation of the enterprise from the key factors affecting the business operation and profitability of the enterprise.Risk,predicting the future direction of the company.Compared with traditional financial analysis methods,it can combine non-financial information for multi-dimensional and multi-level comprehensive analysis,thus improving the company's sustainable development capability.This paper uses the case analysis method to select the Ningde era as the research object.Using the Harvard analysis framework,the annual financial statements for the Ningde era 2014-2017 were analyzed.The article first compares the traditional analysis framework with the Harvard analysis framework,and expounds the analysis dimension and applicability of the Harvard analysis framework.Secondly,it introduces the development of Ningde era;then carries out strategic analysis,accounting analysis,financial analysis and prospects for Ningde era.Analysis.Through the strategic analysis,mastered the business background and strategic positioning of the Ningde era;the key accounting policies and accounting estimates of Ningde era were evaluated through accounting analysis;the financial analysis focused on the main subjects and financial indicators of financial statements;the prospect analysis from risk forecasting and forecasting Forecasting the future development of the Ningde era,and finally making rational proposals for the company's development.Through the analysis of this article,it is found that although the financial data looks perfect in the Ningde era,combined with the industry and future development prospects,the power battery industry in which it is located faces the risk of overcapacity structure,fierce competition in the industry,and falling gross profit margin.In the critical period of industrial restructuring,in the future,Ningde era should increase investment in research and development,strengthen enterprise management,strengthen industrial synergy,and enhance its comprehensive competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harvard analysis framework, Ningde era, financial analysis
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