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Design And Implementation Of Tax Administration System

Posted on:2020-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Modern Internet technology has entered millions of households,network technology has been widely used in social production and life,people's dependence on the network has gradually increased.In order to improve management efficiency,some enterprises have begun to share data and information through local area network,which greatly enhances the efficiency of enterprise operation.At the same time,our government departments are adjusting our tax policies according to the actual situation of our economic development,and the major media are competing to report information on tax collection and management.As far as China's current economic development is concerned,there are inequalities in regional economic development,so there are some phenomena such as unreasonable tax policies and backward collection and management methods in some areas.Based on this situation,a modern network platform is urgently needed to unify the management of data and information to ensure the smooth progress of local tax collection and management.Based on this situation,different local tax collection and management departments face the same problem.That is,in order to enhance the ability of regional tax collection and management,how to create a popular tax collection and management platform according to the characteristics of local economic development.Based on this background,this topic is devoted to the development of a platform for the interactive mechanism of tax collection and management of local tax bureaus.In the design process,the main function modules of the system are determined by combining the development characteristics of local economy,the characteristics of tax collection and management,and the composition and structure of employees in the tax bureau.These modules support the inquiry of tax staff information,the deployment of tax tasks,the provision of answering services for users,the scientific supervision of tax categories and the unified management of tax authorities.After the system administrator logs in the tax clerk management interface,he can manage the information of all users in a unified way.The operation authority of the tax task deployment module can be divided into three kinds,namely,the system administrator,senior users and ordinary users.Each user's operation interface and operation process are different.The tax business answering module provides tax business answering service for ordinary users and system management.The administrator can modify the taxation classification information in the taxation category supervision service,and the management can deploy various kinds of Taxation information;delete the taxation classification;and the taxation authority can be changed,entities increased,deleted and modified in the taxation administration module.After the completion of the system design,the functions of system performance,login interface,task publishing,business request and information reply are tested.The test results show that the system has strong compatibility and stability,meets the test requirements and can be used in tax bureaus in different regions.It is hoped that this design will have some reference significance for the research in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Information, Collection and Management Platform, Business Answer, Testing
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