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Design And Implementation Of Tobacco Manufacture And Business Decision-making Management System Data Collection

Posted on:2007-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272978218Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the tobacco industry, it is necessary for the nationtobaccoregietobuildatobaccomanufactureandmanagementdecision-makingsystemthat based on the existent network. As the base of the decision making system, thewarehouse is the data aggregate that is object oriented, integrated, immutable and abletochangeincessantlyastimegoeson.The design of data collection system is the most important thing in building datacenter.In other words, the ETL`s design and implementarion is related with the finaleffect of the decision-making system. There are many ETL tools on the market,commonness strong but pertinence weak. After research the arithmetic of datatransformandcleanout,anETLtoolwhichextractsdatafromeachdatasourcestodatawarehouseisdesigned.The design of metadata according to the CWM standard, using the think ofstandardization metadata management and based on the real fact, metadata is stored inthe form of XML, using Java technology, and following the MVC design pattern. Thesystem of data collection system is divided into three units: task design unit, taskexecuteengineunitandmanagementcenterunit.Theinformationofmetadataisstoredin XMLfile. The core management cell of the system is task, one task completes onedata extraction operation, and several tasks make of one theme, thus finish a processthat extracts a kind of data. At the same time, the data transmission uses messagetransmittingmiddle-waretoguaranteeitsqualityandefficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Collection, Metadata, DB2, ETL
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