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The Transformation Of The Press In The Intelligence Activities Of MoCi Research Institute Of Japan

Posted on:2020-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330575465360Subject:Journalism and Communication
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Adhering to the cognition of "no intelligence,no victory",Japan established a number of intelligence agencies during the war of aggression against China,and the MoCi Research Institute was one of them.The person in charge was Suetsugu Seitaro.Since 1912,the MoCi Research Institute has started intelligence collection work in China.In 1940,due to the death of Suetsugu Seitaro,the organization's data collection work was also stopped,but a large amount of clipping data collected in China was retained.The Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute is rich in topics,and the selection of materials is very wide.The sources covered varieties of Chinese,Japanese,and English newspapers and periodicals during this period.The content covers China's social,political,economic,and military aspects during the period of 1912-1940.It is indispensable to carry out national conditions education and historical research,and it has great historical research value.Japan's intention to invade China has been long-standing,and intelligence gathering is even more ingrained.The Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute spans a long time.With the continuous advancement of the war and the constant changes in the war situation,Japan's intelligence plan for China is also changing.Based on this,the author mainly raised the following questions:1.Did the MoCi Research Institute provide information materials for the Japanese military at the beginning of its establishment?2.Facing to the changes in the situation of China and Japan and the world anti-fascist war,what are the characteristics of the collection of their information before and after?What is the difference in this characteristic that reflects the changes in the data itself?3.With the changes of the intelligence,how newspapers and periodicals has changed in different periods as their main content presentation?4.What did these changes confirm?What kind of revelation has it given us?In order to answer the above questions,this paper mainly uses the Chinese part of the Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute as a blueprint,combines the history of Sino-Japanese war and the history of Sino-Japanese relations,and sorts out the differences in the presentation of the Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute in the middle and late period.Based on this,combined with the changes in Japan's political situation and the related experiences of Suetsugu Seitaro,this paper analyzes the changes of the information in the middle and late stages and the role of the newspapers in the process.In the first chapter,the author introduces the Japanese information culture and its causes in a general way,and simply sorts out the intelligence agencies operating in China during the Sino-Japanese War,and describes the ins and outs of the main research object-the Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute and the value of it briefly;the second,third and fourth chapters are the main part of the paper,which summarize the Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute from three periods.And the second chapter adopts the scope of the data selection,the source of the selection and the editorial methods,combined with the environment of internal,external troubles and the role of Suetsugu Seitaro as a journalist,effectively reflected the main purpose of the the Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute during the warlord's reign.The third and fourth chapters also started from the data itself,combines the real-time situation of the progress of the Sino-Japanese War and the change of Suetsugu Seitaro from the reporter to the "politician",and analyzing the role of the newspapers and periodicals as intelligence carriers and advocating weapons in the middle and late stages of the intelligence activities of the last institute;The fifth chapter is mainly based on the importance of intelligence in the Sino-Japanese War.And summarized the constant collection by Japan's intelligence agencies.The Press used as information integration and news sources before,but it collected to the political and military in the after,and worked on intelligence.The research institute has deepened its intelligence work in China,and the use of information collection has become more apparent.Japan intends to influence war by launching intelligence warfare,The intention of the heart is clear.Due to the limitations of technological development,newspapers and periodicals were the main positions to get various types and sources of information at that time,and naturally became an important way for intelligence agencies to integrate and obtain effective information.On the contrary,the information warfare led by paper,magazines and other paper media has developed into an information warfare with network technology as the core.The information security problem caused by this is more complicated and more important.The aggression's gaze will no longer be End in military victory.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Intelligence of MoCi Research Institute", Function of the Press, Japan, Intelligence
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