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The Development Of University Museums In China

Posted on:2019-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P X CiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330551959774Subject:Cultural relics and museums
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
University museum is an important part of colleges and universities,is the "window" of the school propaganda and communication,with the continuous development of colleges and universities,it has become one of the symbols of the image of the school is good,is the new standard to measure the comprehensive level.As a centennial old school,shanxi university is a key research base for humanities and social sciences of the ministry of education.It is of great significance to have a high-quality exhibition hall.However,due to the school funds,management,the concept of limit,gallery,the gap with the actual content of the expected much,it is to a certain extent,restrict the exertion of its various functions and the development of the future.Therefore,the construction blueprint of the dongshan campus of shanxi university has been built into the planning of a comprehensive exhibition hall,which is both an opportunity and a challenge for shanxi university.Therefore,how to build a high quality and high level exhibition hall,so that it can play its due function,in the new historical conditions,to achieve breakthrough and innovation,is the focus of our future work.This paper is divided into four chapters.The specific contents are as follows:The first chapter mainly introduced the origin,development and current status of university museum,from their distribution range,size,open degree,type and so on has carried on the simple analysis of the summary,the author also carefully several galleries in shanxi university has carried on the visiting survey,the basic contents and development situation in this chapter,one by one.The second chapter mainly will galleries and other colleges and universities of shanxi university museum,compares the content from the aspects of characteristics,points out the direction for further development of the university museum and gallery of shanxi university,you need to learn where the improvement,hope they can learn from each other,make progress together.Gallery of the third chapter is mainly to shanxi university compares the function and the function of shanxi museum,respectively described shanxi museum collection,exhibition display,education function and shanxi university of education,social service function,it is concluded that they are caused by different social status play to the role of also slightly different,so the university museum museum should often communicate with,each other to explore,strive for to make more contribution to the public.The fourth chapter is the focus of the full text,mainly aimed at the gallery of shanxi university in the future development put forward some feasibility suggestions,respectively from the exhibition on display,digital construction,collection,publicity,volunteers,source of funds and other aspects the deficiency of the current exhibition and the future development countermeasure,for the future to build a high quality,high level of exhibition to make a little contribution.Based on the serious investigation and research the university museum and gallery of shanxi university,on the basis of reference of some related research results published in recent years,the construction of comprehensive exhibition of shanxi university did with the first discussion,obtained in the exhibition,collection,publicity,digital,etc,more effort,hope to Alexander gallery and the museum of Chinese colleges and universities have some enlightenment for future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum of shanxi university, Current situation, The function, Development strategy
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