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Research On The Self-identity Of Barrage Family Based On Interactive Perspective

Posted on:2019-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Barrage video website is the product of rapid development of Internet technology in recent years,it is expanded gradually with the prosperity of the Japanese ACG culture,and it has been developed rapidly and has become popular among young Chinese people after it was introduced in China,so the barrage video was born since then.At present,China's barrage video website is a typical representative of Bilibili(i.e.B station)and AcFun(i.e.A station)are now typical representative in China's barrage video websites,which are the main base area for the majority of the barrage video,and between them,B is more popular.According to the recent data,B station users has exceeded 150 million,the amount of video-on-demand is more than one hundred million times a day,and the volume of barrage video which user sends in each day has exceeded 1.4 billion,what's more,the total of the original articles is more than 10 million,which is far more than the other websites in this area.In2012,China's traditional video websites also imitated and developed the barrage video with similar functions,however,according to questionnaire survey,more than 80% of users still make barrage video website as their primary choice in watching and using of barrage.Since the barrage race is the most faithful aborigine of video,therefore,the the barrage family in this article refers to the "native",which don't contain the the non-traditional video users who use the barrage function.At present,although there are many researches on barrage video website and barrage family in our country,few achievements on the self-identification of barrage family have been got.However,in fact,as a kind of group which gathers together mainly because of the same interest,the purpose and significance of barrage family lies in looking for the "same spirit" who have the same hobby,they can get support,recognition and encouragement in the interaction with each other.So it can be said that self-identification is the most fundamental starting pointand foothold of the barrage family in an barrage interaction.This paper aims at exploring the problem of self-identity of the barrage family by taking the projectiles as the object of study and taking the interaction as the research perspective.First of all,we understand the development condition of barrage video website and the barrage family at present,at the same time,we analyze the overall characteristics of this group,including gender,age and educational background,through a sample survey.On the basis of the data,we summarize the characteristics of the interactive behavior of the projectiles,including the form,content and characteristics.In this paper,the author further analyzes the self-identification and performance of the projectile family in the interactive practice.From the perspective of self-reflection,interaction with others and interaction with the groups,the author analyzes the way of self-identification of the barrage family.In the end,the author analyses the essence of the self-identity,the relationship between Japanese ACG culture and self-identity as well as the influential factors,and puts forward the relevant suggestions on health development.By the analyze and the study in this paper,the author hopes that more scholars and the public will have a deep understanding of the barrage video,and we also hope to arouse the attention and reflection of the academic community on the self-identity of the barrage family.
Keywords/Search Tags:Barrage family, Interactive perspective, Self-identity
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