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The Research On The Training System Of Museum Education Qualified Personnel

Posted on:2019-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YanFull Text:PDF
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Museums play an important role in the international and domestic social arena and have become one of the important cultural driving forces for sustainable development of society.The role of museums in the field of social education and public services is increasingly evident.Relatively speaking,the educational function in Chinese museums do not givefull play,the number of qualified personnel engaged in museum education activities is obviously insufficient,and the quality of service is not optimistic.Based on this,the project of “The Research on the Training System of Museum Education Qualified Personnel” has a certain practical significance.It aims to explore how to establish a set of education personnel training system that can adapt to the museums in China.This thesis will be carried out in four parts: first,understand the needs of the museum community for the training of educational personnel;second,conduct an overall collection and evaluation of museum education;third,compare the education of talents for museum education at home and abroad;fourth,classify museums of different levels and types;Education qualified personnel provide systematic,professional training content.According to the academic background,work experience,job title and other specific conditions of trainees,training can be classified.Based on the classification of trainees,through the division and selection of the three basic modules of the museum's basic theory modules,related discipline theories,modern science and technology modules,and educational and activity modules,different curriculum systems can be designed,which can be divided into high school,low school,and high school.Hierarchical teaching system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum Education, Demand of Qualified Personnel, On-the-job Training
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