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Live Stream As A Culture Generating Space And Live Stream Sub-culture

Posted on:2019-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N X YeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research is based on a case study of two live stream platform YINGKE and DOUYIN.The research uses case study,online participatory observation and in-depth interview to focus on the features of live stream as a culture generating space and the culture production mechanism and power relations of live stream.The research argues:the live stream,as social Intermediary,form agglomerate and liquid neo-tribes.Entertainment,behind which we can realize the positive possibility of transformation from entertainment culture to public Issue,public association through entertainment and the formation of public order,is the an important feature of live stream.Above all,participants of live stream produce special live stream culture after they formed groups of similar cultural tastes through barrage sending and gift-giving.Live stream culture,is a mixture of fan culture,grassroots culture,entertainment culture and other culture type.Its formation mechanism,which will be influenced by the anchor's personality,live broadcast topics and interaction with fans,is different from traditional culture's and mainstream culture's.Network empowerment enables live stream fans conduct "production-resistance" and cyclically produce the meaning of the text.However,influenced by official ideology and commercial power,live stream subculture's resistance is limited.And live stream subculture is faced with the possibility of being incorporated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Live stream, Sub-culture, The space of New Media, cultural production
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