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An Analysis Of The Infiltration Of Labor Education Into Chinese Teaching In Primary Schools

Posted on:2021-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XieFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Labor education" as one of the five kinds of education has always been ignored.Now most of the students are only children,and they are all in favor of each other.Therefore,many children do not have labor consciousness,will not work,and are reluctant to work.In 2015,General Secretary Xi proposed to "support the Chinese dream with the labor dream",Opinions on strengthening labor education in primary and secondary schools.In 2019,the comprehensive deepening reform committee of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and passed the opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening labor education in primary and secondary schools in the new era,further emphasizing that labor education is an important part of the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics.The status of labor education has been promoted day by day,and educators have paid more attention to it.This paper studies and discusses the infiltration of labor education in Chinese teaching of primary school,hoping to help improve the infiltration consciousness of front-line teachers in Chinese teaching,master the correct infiltration methods,so as to better help students establish labor consciousness,improvelabor ability and develop good labor habits.This paper mainly uses the research methods of literature analysis,text analysis,case study and questionnaire survey.The main research content is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction and literature review.This paper expounds the background and significance of this research,and summarizes the current situation,problems and significance of labor education in primary schools.Briefly introduce the research ideas,methods and innovations.The second part is a chapter.First of all,it defines the concept of "labor education" and "primary Chinese teaching permeates labor education".Then it expounds the theoretical basis of the infiltration of labor education in primary school Chinese.The third part is the second chapter.The second chapter is mainly to investigate and analyze the labor education in the small language teaching,analyze the considerable and existing problems of the labor education in the primary school Chinese teaching,and analyze the problems,so as to provide the basic support for the later problems.The fourth part is the third and fourth chapters.The third chapter is the key chapter of this paper.Based on the abovetheoretical basis and investigation and analysis,this paper puts forward the principles and teaching strategies of infiltrating labor education into the teaching of small language.The main principles are imperceptible,appropriate and timely,and the combination of practice and theory.In terms of teaching strategies,first of all,based on textbooks,making full use of textbooks and connecting textbooks with extracurricular reading materials;second,actively using the classroom,coordinating the relationship between the inside and outside of the classroom,and making efficient use of resources outside the classroom;and finally,connecting the inside and outside of the campus,not only making good use of the campus as a carrier,but also actively promoting the home school interconnection and social interconnection.The fourth chapter is the lesson and reflection of the labor education.The fifth part is the conclusion,which summarizes the research of this topic and the author's expectation and conception for the follow-up research of this topic.2.The conclusion of this paper is to draw lessons from the development of primary school Chinese infiltration labor education and the investigation of the current situation at the end of the 1990 s,and draw a conclusion that it is mainly todeal with the three aspects inside and outside the teaching materials,inside and outside the classroom,and inside and outside the campus.From these three aspects,we can cultivate the ability of students to respect,love,be able to work and be able to work.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school Chinese, labor education, teaching strategies
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