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From Media Convergence To Industry Integration: Research On The Evolution Of Online Video Content Production Models

Posted on:2019-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M KanFull Text:PDF
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This paper studies the changes of online video content producing mode since2005 in when the online video was born.I analyze the convergence of programs,markets and organizations in the changing process,and discuss the motivation of these changes,that's to seek the synergy effect in different companies.The study of this paper tries to advance the theory and practice of media content producing mode.Regarding product convergence,both the content forms and dissemination platforms are presenting multifarious coexistence.The program forms of online video have undergone various forms from digitalized traditional TV programs,User-generated content,Video platform-generated content under the media convergence to video E-commerce and VR video under industrial convergence.In this process,not only the producers are increasingly various,but also the functions of video,expanded from information transmission to tools for consumption and social services.As for dissemination platforms,they expand form online websites to mobile terminals and TV in the background of media convergence.This day,mobile terminals are increasingly normalized,which has led to a burst of short video and various living programs.However in the background of industrial convergence,with the rising of cloud platform,the team of dissemination platforms will continue to expand and new program will be abundant,but the differences between terminals will disappear,and users can select terminal according to the scenarios.What's more,with the support of technologies such as big data and Internet of Things,video program services will be more intelligent and personalized.Concerning market convergence,online video platforms compete with traditional televisions for programs,users and advertisements.Besides,they cooperate with upstream film/television producing company to get more autonomy in media content market in the context of media convergence.However,as for the different markets integrated in industrial convergence,online video platforms cooperate with downstream terminal producing market,pan-entertainment market,E-commerce market and tourism market to develop differentiated new product to compete with irrelevant companies in different market so that they can expand theirusers' group and profit modes.Today,online video has various mode in profit,not only advertisement,but also precision marketing and in-depth development of derivatives is pervasive.For example,the traditional patch ads are expanded to various native ads,including custom implants ads,insertions ads ect.As for organization convergence,the change in online video market competition brought about by market convergence encourages the convergence of producers.With the fierce competition within media industry,there are quite a few acquisitions between horizontal media market,aiming at expanding the market size.The vertical acquisitions with upstream film/television producing company are to reduce costs,and just like the horizontal markets acquisitions,they all belong to the category of media convergence.On the other hand,the online video platforms cooperate with downstream terminal manufacturers and mixed mergers belong to industrial convergence,aiming at diversifying their business and expand the industrial chain.The video platforms merge with Internet companies to form an industrial alliance which can make use of the externality of the network,laying out the entire industry chain to realize economies of scale and scope.So far,the industry of online video has formed a market structure with the Tencent,Alibaba and Baidu as the top three industrial clusters.Additionally,users--another important producer of online video,also tend to be team-oriented,and realize triple identities fusion,such as producer,disseminator and consumers.The reason why the online video content producing modes present such a convergence feature lies in the fact that the maturity of internet and the pervasive of informatization in whole industries,providing an external basis for the convergence of different industries.What's more,the role of industrial convergence in reducing the cost,improving efficiency and reducing risk,which can offer more competitive products to users,realizing synergies between different companies also accelerate the industrial convergence trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Video, Content Producing mode, Media Convergence, Industrial Convergence
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