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Data News Production Research

Posted on:2018-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The application of data has brought changes to all walks of social life.In the field of news industry,data also referred to as the value of information,has been embodied in"Data Journalism",a new from of news reports.The intervention of data in traditional news production has brought about unprecedented opportunities to the whole news industry.Owing to the exploration and practices of data journalism,the news industry is able to make key innovations in responses to challenges of big data era.To date,big data has profoundly affected the development of politics,economy,culture,society and other aspects of life in countries all over the world.With the widespread application of big data technology,digital function and values have been exploited dramatically.As we can see,the development of all walks of social life and behaviors of individual's basic necessities of life have been quantified with the advent of big data era.Through literature review on global data journalism,we found that big data had changed not only media's access to information,but also its news production process.This paper first made an overall research on news practices in foreign pioneer media;and then elaborated on three important parts of news production process,that is data source,data processing,and data visualization;and finally uncovered the status of digital news production.Since its presence in western media practice,data journalism has been widely used in today's global news media.This paper through The New York Times,Pro Publica,Netease"data blog" and Caixin section of data journalism as the research object,and research in-depth of data news production and practice of the four media,and from four aspects of content analysis of four media on annual number of published articles,news topic selection,data source and the way of data visualization to present the data journalism content characteristics of data journalism practice.Big data is a double-edged sword.At a time of media integration and based on a thorough study of digital news practices at home and abroad,this paper found that digital news not only impacted traditional news industry in terms of news production concept and news presentation,but also accelerated the process of institutional internal transformation and integration of different institutions.This paper on the one hand recognized the positive significance of big data on traditional news industry,but on the other identified the problems of big data application in today's media practices.In this paper,based on the summarization of common problems in global digital news development,we pointed out the main problems in China's digital news practices,and then offered suggestions on how to build correct news developmental concept as well as how to solve current bottleneck problems in digital news development.
Keywords/Search Tags:data news, news production, big data, reform
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