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On The Origin And Production Of Data News

Posted on:2019-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the new century,the word ‘big data' has gradually become the focus of the whole society.Data news is a new form which born out of the combination of traditional news reporting models and electronic information technology,and it is also a hot topic in the news industry.The emergence of data news has overturned the traditional media production process,transformed the acquisition of sources into data collection,transformed text writing into data processing,and transformed typographical printing into visual design.The data news caters to the changes of the media environment,giving people new sensory stimulation and also shaping people's behavior patterns.However,while the data news is gradually prospering,it also faces a series of problems such as one-sided technical worship,monopoly of digital resources,and shortage of professionals.This paper tries to analyze the characteristics of data news,the nature of data news at the macro level,and the production of data news at the micro level.This paper combines the concept of data news,development status,research progress at home and abroad,and Practice(Introduction),Data Characteristics,News Characteristics,History of Evolution(Chapter 2),Reasons Why Communicators and Receivers Select Data News(Chapter 3),Production Mode,Presentation Mode,Logic Strategy(Chapter 4),etc.,exploring the mutual influence between media technologies and humans under the changing media environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Big Data, Data News, News Automation Production, Data Analysis, Visualization
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