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Development And Utilization Of Chinese Curriculum Resources In The Family

Posted on:2018-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The resources of Chinese Learning are everywhere in anytime.The space of Chinese resource is vast and available resources are abundant."The textbook is the world of students" can not meet the requirements of the times.Classroom,teaching materials,teachers are no longer the only source of knowledge for students to learn Chinese.School,family,society is a broad field of language learning for students.Magical nature,rich and colorful world,and the long history of human society is a textbook for students to learn Chinese.If you want to read through this great textbook,we should develop the language resources actively."Curriculum standards" stressed that the school should have a strong sense of resources and develop potential resources.Chinese teachers should attach great importance to the development and utilization of Chinese curriculum resources.As a native language course,Chinese have three available language environments;School language environment,family language environment and social language environment.Family as an important place for students and include rich Chinese language resources can be developed.These resources can serve for Chinese courses,even translate into Chinese.In order to make these hidden curriculum resources deposits are not to be wasted,this paper use five chapters to discuss the development and utilization of Chinese curriculum resources.Chapter 1 is Introduction Part;it mainly talks about the origin of the topic,discusses the purpose and significance of the research,and also reviewed the related problems and defined the related concepts.Chapter 2 is from the theory,mainly from below three aspects,like Tao Xingzhi's "Life Education" concept,Zhang Xiaochun's "Big Chinese Education" and the "New Curriculum Standard" requirements to provide theoretical support for the exploitation and utilization of resources.Chapter 3,the author collects and analyzes the questionnaires to understand the current situation of the development and utilization of Chinese curriculum resources in the family,and the attribution of the problem.The last two chapters;According to the current status ofthe development and utilization of resources to give the strategy of Chinese curriculum resources in the family.From below four aspects,the hidden text curriculum resources in the family,the human resources,the activities of Chinese language course resources,and the media of Chinese curriculum resources to develop the family hidden curriculum resources effectively.And from reading teaching,writing teaching,oral communication teaching and comprehensive learning to explore the rational use of resour.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum resources, Chinese curriculum resources, Chinese curriculum resources in the family
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