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The Research On The Incentive Mechanism Of The X Insurance Company Employees

Posted on:2017-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330512453688Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the deepening of economic globalization, China's financial markets have also made rapid development. As the important part of the insurance industry, the financial market in China has become one of the fastest growing industries of the national economy. But with the continuous expansion of China's insurance market, the talent shortage problem has become the bottleneck of the development of insurance industry. According to the modern human resource practice has proved that the competition between the enterprises in the final analysis is the talent competition between. Insurance companies only sets up the talent competition consciousness, stimulate the enterprise staff's subjective initiative, arouse enterprise staff's work enthusiasm and creativity, can be established in the fierce market competition, achieve a place. So how to motivate employees of insurance enterprise, to establish suitable for insurance of enterprise employees incentive mechanism is to improve the core competitiveness of insurance enterprise, is the key to the success or failure of an insurance company.X insurance company is in 2015 province property insurance premium income insurance company, which is the third largest market, but its employees work relatively slack, frequent loss of X insurance company has caused a certain. Poor incentive is mainly due to the company employees incentive system: in the aspect of material incentive salary structure is not scientific, poor welfare in the form of a single, promotion channel; In the spiritual aspects of employees lack of daily care, ignore the communication with employees, lack of staff career planning, lack of training to the staff motivation; In the aspect of culture incentive company culture atmosphere is not enough strong, the low rationalization Suggestions to employees, the company's culture cohesive force is not strong and so on. The reason for these problems are mainly top managers understanding insufficiency, the existing incentives design level is not high. For the optimization of these problems, first of all we should follow the principles based on the principle of people-oriented, differentiation principle, the principle of fairness, the principle of form a complete set of material incentive and spirit incentive; Secondly in terms of specific content to adjust the salary structure, reform of the welfare level to form a scientific and reasonable salary incentive system; By express daily care for the staff, strengthening the communication with employees, for employees to make career planning, for employees to carry out the system of training incentive measures form the spirit of scientific and reasonable incentive mechanism; Through creating a good corporate culture, enhance the staff to participate in the management level and to consolidate company cohesion to form the culture of the scientific and reasonable incentive mechanism; Finally to achieve the optimization need in X insurance company human resources department attaches great importance to, incentive process fair and open, and pay attention to the integrated use of incentive mechanism and constraint measures on the basis of security.
Keywords/Search Tags:X insurance company, Incentive mechanism, The human resources
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