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The People's Daily's Media Construction Of The Collective Memory Of The Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2018-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Collective memory is an important resource for constructing national identity and strengthening ethnicl cohesion.And war experiences are an important kind of collective memory.There has been a concern of academia about recognizing how to construct and reconstruct it.The war of resistance against Japan is a major historical event in modern Chinese history.However,at the present day most of us can only make use of the News media and other media to understand and recognize the anti-Japanese war messages.Therefore,this paper focuses on the analysis of the news reports on the anniversary of the anti-Japanese war,which appear in People's Daily,the main agenda setter of the Chinese media system.According to these analysis,this paper further explains how People's Daily constructed the collective memory by the frameworks,texts and dictions of the news,and what collective memory People's Daily constructed,which will exposit why People's Daily did that and possible effects.Besides,it will help us fully and objectively look upon such effects on the construction and reappearance of media involved with media dictions impinged by social ideology,and will differentiate how media use material and methods to commemorate the history and construct the audiences' collective memory,in a particular historical environment.In the specific research,the paper first analyzes the framework construction of the People's Daily from the macroscopic point of view.Through the construction and content analysis of the People's Daily,it is found that the People's Daily uses the number of reports,the layout,the length,the genre and others to construct the framework of memorial topics,memorial ceremony topics and apocalyptic topics,which can be applied to re-interpret the history of the war,and re-construct the audiences' war memory.Secondly,it analyzes the text features of the news reports based on the text data analyzed by means of ROST software,to summarizes the central semantics of the reported texts,such as "the Chinese ","the people","war of resistance",and "victory",and analyzing the relationship between semantics;their emotional tendencies are positive and neutral and from the three aspects of content,discourse,social practice(Fairclough,1995),the paper makes an analysis about the "People's Daily" reports,focusing on the social practice.It is found that the war memory of audiences is constructed by reconstructions of the media discourse and the discourse meaning.On the one hand,discourses of the victims are taken into the scope of national commemoration,and placed in the historical background of the international community commemorating the Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War;On the other hand,the role of the Kuomintang is selectively forgotten and the reported theme is shaded to strengthen the group identity,which formed a dominant interpretation about readers' collective memory of the anti-Japanese war.Through the macro and micro perspective on the "People's Daily" framework construction and text construction analysis of how to build and construct what kind of collective memory,the focus of the "People's Daily" to build such collective memory of the causes and possible impact,explained the "people The contents of the construction of memory and the influence of ideology,international relations and economic policies to adjust the content and direction of the construction of memory,and then explain the impact of these factors,"People's Daily" built by the collective memory will produce the main body of the war Memory can be extended and preserved,solid and strengthen the ideology of the guide and enhance the social cohesion of the social impact.In the end of the paper,it summarizes and reconsiders the construction of collective memory.It summarizes the collective memory of the war of resistance against Japan,which is constructed on these topics — "anti-Japanese war","victory","China" and "people" by frame,text and discourse.The paper draws on its experience that it is good at using materials and methods,uses trauma and victory discourse,dilutes the political color,and strengthens the value of recognition.With comprehensively analyzing it,in the era of nationalism,People's Daily in the official discourse shapes and influences Chinese people on the collective memory of the war,based on "China" and "people" "anti-Japanese war" and "victory" and People's Daily conveys to audiences the value of ideas that Chinese do not forget suffering and history,cherish peace,and are committed to the development.But because of the objective political atmosphere,the background of the times and subjective human factors,we still have to be vigilant,and not too dependent on the memory built by the People's Daily.
Keywords/Search Tags:People's Daily, The Anti-Japanese War, Collective memory, Media construction, Discourse analysis
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