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The Planning And Implementation Of Museum Education Projects

Posted on:2018-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330521951728Subject:Heritage and Museology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing emphasis on museum education in recent years,how to plan and implement museum education projects well has become a new topic.The paper aims at finding out the problems exists in museum education and putting forward the corresponding strategies from the perspective of museum education.The first chapter illustrates the purpose of the research and lists the important education theories,than describe the research content and methods briefly.The second chapter mainly introduces the development of domestic and international museum education,comparing the education activities in current domestic museums and analyzing the activity forms and implementation methods,to point out their advantages and disadvantages,and find out the restrictions.The third chapter takes the education project “Ancient Architecture”in Shanxi Museum as an example,through analyzing the concept of planning,originality,activities forms,the implementation mode,by the means of questionnaire,participants interview,and audience comments to check the result of the project.After the collations and analysis of the former three chapters,some conclusions will come to my paper.Firstly,the museum education should be operated scientifically and orderly.What's more,not only the museum education theories should be applied,but also the characteristics of the museum should be taken advantages of,thus to create a representative,sustainable and excellent education programs.In the process of implementation,we should divide audiences into different groups and carry out reasonable activities to take into account the differences of each group,showing care for each audience.Besides,we should enrich the form and equipment of activities,to use a variety of means as much as possible.In the whole process,we should put emphasis on education evaluation and analysis after the project,than apply the evaluation results in education activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum Education, Education Projects, Plan and Implement
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