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Research On Content Production And Transmission Path Of News Aggregation Type Of APP

Posted on:2018-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article analyzes the content production and dissemination news aggregation type of APP.To Shenzhen ZAKER financial channel as a major case,analysis of its content in the production,dissemination of the main features and innovation on the path.And other similar types of news aggregation APP comparison,trying to find news aggregation APP in the content and dissemination of the same and their differences.Two methods,content analysis and case analysis,were adopted.Based on ZAKER 's content production mode and propagation path,the author found out the innovative way of the news aggregation type of APP in the progress of production and dissemination of content.The paper analyzed the content of the top 50 reading amount in 2016 years of Shenzhen ZAKER Financial Channel,and analyzed the content in the theme selection bias,reading time and average reading amount,and compared the difference between the different contents of Today The Headline.The study found that ZAKER analyzes user data on content production and periodically pushes individual content based on user habits.Today The Headline emphasized on the choice of massive content and the user's reading time.In the study of the propagation path found that ZAKER not only tend to cooperate with the traditional media and new media,more adept at self-dissemination and promotion to expand their influence.On one hand ZAKER hand the traditional media platform,on the other hand large data resources that from self-built new media.Using different resources for integrated marketing communications,And put it as one of the ways to spread the news carrier.
Keywords/Search Tags:news aggregation, ZAKER, Content production, Propagation mode
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