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Problems And Management Countermeasures In Middle School Library Of Wuda Inwuhai

Posted on:2018-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y JiaFull Text:PDF
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The library in primary and secondary school has been hailed as the second class of students.Its purpose is to develop the ability and habit of using books and libraries for young people,and coach student and help them make good use of books and libraries by providing students with reading instruction,colorful reading materials,and experience of using library which helps to truly play the educational role of the library.Library,the real sense of the library to play the educational function.The 1980 UNESCO Declaration on Primary and Secondary Schools Library declares: "Primary and secondary school libraries are indispensable business to ensure that schools conduct effective education for adolescents and children and are basic conditions to ensure that schools achieve educational success,and also an indispensable part of the entire library business." Therefore,this paper takes the problems existing in the management of middle school library in Wuda district of Wuhai city as the research point,and puts forward some targeted suggestions for improvement,to raise the attention of relevant departments and managers and provide some theoretical basis for the important role management of middle school library plays in education and teaching.Firstly,this paper states the general situation of the middle school library of Wuda district in Wuhai city.This paper points out some problems in the management process of middle school library in Wuda district by analyzing the present situation of the management of middle school library in Wuda district and in combination with the actual investigation,.The investigation results show that the library has the following problems: the library utilization rate is relatively low and it does not play its educational function;the library hardware and software resources are quite not enough;the library management system can't really be implemented;librarians lack service awareness and can't provide education services for students;librariansprofessional quality level is relatively low;andin addition,the library information management level is too low,which restricts the normal development of library education and teaching.Secondly,through the field visits and investigation analysis,the author believes that the main reasons for Wuhai Wuda district secondary school library problems are as follows: lack of librarian awareness;lack of understanding of library education function;deficient investment on hardware and software resources in the construction process of the library;no attention of managers to the importance of library management to education;student burden of study;influence on the educational function library plays;no perfect system and evaluation mechanism.This paper analyzes the causes of the problems in the management process of the middle school library in Wuda district and puts forward some improvement suggestions,which can be seen as follows: the first is to emphasize the allocation of library hardware and software resources,transforms the premises,add information management facilities,and rationally use education funding.The second is to enhance the library awareness of managers,change the concept of leadership,and promote the education and teaching concept of teachers.The third is to strengthen the management of librarians,regulate the standard,adjust the librarian work content,improve the assessment system,and improve the pay of librarians.The fourth is to build up reasonable library management system,improve efficiency,establish humanistic management mode,carry out a variety of reading activities,set up curriculums and develop reading ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle school, Library, Problems, Management countermeasures
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