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Research On Individual Social Capital Construction With The Wechat As The Media

Posted on:2018-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HeFull Text:PDF
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From the perspective of communication,human history is promoted by media.Each new media technology arises with a brand new communication environment where human behaviors are affected.Taking media as a clue,human history is divided into four stages,from language media communication,text media communication,print media communication and electronic media communication,to the current stage of Internet media communication.The changing of communication environment urges the emergence of new patterns for interpersonal communication.For example,without limits of time and space,the Internet keeps interpersonal communication in a real-time online state.Interpersonal communication is the most popular type of communication,whose ultimate goal is to promote the exchange of social resources,including emotional resources,material resources and information resources,so as to satisfy the living needs.However they are undoubtedly exchanged in different patterns considering the media people widely used in a specific time differs from the other and its own disciplines.Therefore,in the time of Internet media it is very important to explore the impact of technological creations on the way human access social resources and how to better acquire them for their own development.In the framework of "social capital" theory,the research develops from three levels:macro level,mainly concerned with the role of social capital in the national economic development;meso level,related to the social capital of enterprises or organizations;micro level,concerned with the individual use of social capital to promote their own development.Providing convenience to human beings while regulating their behaviors,the development of media brings multi-layer effects just like individuals are no doubt restricted by its own features when using Wechat for interpersonal communication,which also influences the social capital generated on the basis of interpersonal relationships.Taking Wechat as the study object,this paper is about the occurrence mechanism of the technical features of Wechat in the process of acquiring social capital by individual,the social capital Wechat has brought to the users and the characteristics and functions of the social capital.Due to the special functions of WeChat,the social capital embedded in the social relationships constructed by WeChat shows double-oriented,low-cost and diversified characteristics.Relying on positive and negative roles the individual social capital plays in the unique WeChat interpersonal network,on the one hand,WeChat can form a solid social circle,which will greatly reduce the transaction cost of members and provide emotional support in this circle.On the other hand,over-solid interpersonal circle will intensify the individual inertia to expand their social circle,which leads to the waste of resources and collective escape.
Keywords/Search Tags:interpersonal communication, social capital, WeChat, self-presentation
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