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Doctor-patient Communication Research On The Microblog

Posted on:2018-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512492231Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For the past few years,incidents of violence that hurts the doctors are frequently seen in newspapers,more medical incidents has tense doctor-patient relationship to vertex of the consensus.How to ease the doctor-patient relationship,and reduce the medical disputes has become a hot topic in the whole society.Under the premise that the doctor-patient relationship is difficult to solve within a short period of time,the doctor-patient communication becomes one of the important factors affecting the doctor-patient relationship and has raise the hitherto concern of the public.Findings of research found that most of the medical disputes and the strained relationship between doctors and patients are derived from the doctor-patient communication barriers.To open the channels of information between doctors and patients,enhance the doctor-patient communication between them is a powerful measure to ease the doctor-patient relationship.Micro-blog as the representative of media,can well develop this function.The micro-blog platform for media,by virtue of its low threshold,easy operation,strong interaction,plebification,has become an important tools for the exchange of information and social communication.The medical and health field has entered the media age,more and more medical personnel opened the micro-blog,micro-blog presents an unknown group of medical image.The doctor-patient relationship is increasingly nervous,mostly derived from the doctor-patient communication barriers.The doctor-patient communication barriers are from the following three reasons: the exchange time is limited,only limited in the treatment process;message between doctors and patients is asymmetry,the doctor is in strong position of communication;the doctor-patient trust paradox caused by the "The pseudo environment".The appearance of the micro-blog has greatly improved the difficulties between communication of doctor and patient.The medical staff narrow the distance between doctors and patients through the micro-blog,and broaden the channels of communication between doctors and patients,strengthen the strength of dialogue between doctors and patients,and broaden the doctor-patient communication exchange boundary,improve that the information of patients is at the status of disadvantage,reflects the doctor's real image.Be beneficial to strengthen the doctor-patient communication,reshape the doctor-patient trust,and improve the relationship between doctors and patients.This paper selects ten micro-blog doctors in the "big V" as a sample to do the case analysis.Aim: analysis the operation of the doctor group in the Sina micro-blog affect doctor-patient communication.Methods: in search of the ten doctors of micro-blog who is famous,learn about ten doctors account subject,source of the region,the quantity of fans,the interaction rate index for analysis and statistics.Conclusion: at present the doctor blog is still at the primary stage,a lot of problems still exist.The effect of the Micro-blog on strengthen the doctor-patient,doctor-patient relationship and other aspects of the role and practice needs to be further explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doctors, Micro-blog, We-media, The doctor-patient communication, The doctor-patient relationship
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