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The Design And Implementation Of Research Units Nformation Management System

Posted on:2017-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512457984Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the society has been so much different from the original with the development of the society, where every corner of the world is filled with interesting and fresh things. And the development of the science and technology is the most important point in the development of the scoiaty.In another word, science and technology changed our lives.What's more, the pace of the development of the computer technology is the most rapid in the rapid development times.Because of computer technology's rapid development, information technology has become a world-changing technology. The information technology covers a lot,which is a technology combines computer technology,software technology, mathematics, physics, statistics, and many other technologies.Information management system is accompanied by the development of computer technology,but over a period of time, our country used an old way to manage the information, which cost a lot of labor to aggregate, manage and query the information.The problem with this method is in the process of information management in the efficiency is very low, taking up a lot of human resources can not play its due effect, and the processing of information in the process is relatively cumbersome, heavy workload;and aggregate information information query process is very complex, the overall efficiency is very low, not only a waste of time, will result in waste of human resources.So, to build an information management system to handle daily information unit, it is very necessary.By building information management system, processing of information will become very efficient, managers can quickly and easily online processing, department heads can publish information online bulletin, employees can learn about the most recent work units online arrangements to ensure timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the information.Moreover, the management and efficiency of the unit will increase the number of possible liberation of human resources to a large extent. Compared to the traditional paper-based management approach, accuracy, safety and efficiency have been greatly improved.Western countries for research and use of information management systems earlier, in the early nineties to these countries in the implementation and application of information management systems has been very extensive, and their information management system has become the template is being developed by many medium enterprises in developing countries and developed competing to imitate. Foreign information management system has been developed for many e-business and information technology based systems, they are able to promote their company, handling business in the system, the company is connected to internal management and external communication of an important link, its position is very important. Moreover, the current foreign advanced companies have committed to "big data" to study, through the analysis of the data business, be able to find the link between them, such as well-known foreign pharmaceutical industry Astra Zeneca,have a special message employee management system used to record unit sales amount and sales flow, etc., and received medicine for hospitals, data analysis and mining, thereby expanding the size of the sale of drugs.In our country, the time of information management systems appearing is late,abuot1990 s, the development of a relatively short time. In China, the early information management system refers to the beginning of China's reform and opening up, the initial use of the computer in our country, but because of little computer people will, and most of the people as well as government agencies and enterprises for the computer does not recognize, have led at the time of China's computer industry is very slow; by the year2000, with the rapid development of the Internet industry and the proliferation of computers, our nation's information management systems springing up in general flourish,developing very fast, range is very wide, not just government agencies and enterprises of the country, there are many private enterprises have their own building information management system, the most important is the ability to promote their own business,propaganda on the Internet, can make more people to see, thus increasing awareness of the enterprise. But our country's information management system, there are still UI design is not standardized, the logic function is not strong, slightly narrower range and other issues,and there is a certain gap between the developed Western countries. But with the development and progress of our country, our information management systems is growing rapidly, as compared to the previous already made great progress, not only that,we also have to draw lessons from foreign advanced technology, to study hard and try to go beyond the development of to now, China's information release system and foreign information distribution system go hand in hand, have their own strengths.According to the actual needs of the system, B / S design mode is the most fittest, the entire system has three layers, namely, the presentation layer, transport layer and the data layer. The entire system from the features include four major parts, which are part of the desktop module, part of the project management, information management and user management component part. Administrators can be performed by the operating system for information to add, delete, change, and other operations; in the design of the database,the system uses a user table, role table, entry table, fee schedule, cost type, documents,documents folder list, file list table, conference table, project members list, BBS topic sheet total 11 database form. Ensure the normal use of the database. After the show the use and function of the system, the system is tested in accordance with the test results of the system were evaluated.This paper will present the following six chapters to introduce the information management system:The first chapter introduces the topic background and current development of the information management system in today's society;The second chapter describes the key technologies applied in the information management systems to the;The third chapter analies the system requirements,including the functional demand and non-functional demand; in addition, it also describes the design method of the wholearchitecture of the information management system, and introduces the database and the database forms;The fourth chapter shows the system pages, describes and illustrates some important system operations in detail;The fifth chapter mainly introduces the system testing, at the same time, evaluates the system objectively according to the test results;The sixth chapter summarizes the system, and propose the improvements to the problems exposed in the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information management system, B/S structure, J2EE, SSH
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