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The Research On The Problems And Countermeasures Of The Professional Development Of Junior Middle School Teachers

Posted on:2018-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Q YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512981273Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mature teachers in junior high school refers to ten or more than ten years of junior high school teachers.This part of the teaching activities of teachers feel comfortable,and understand the teaching environment,they can handle most of the things that happened in the teaching of vocational teachers,compared to their achievements in teaching,in the student management,teaching and interpersonal aspects have accumulated certain experience,can ease of daily work the routine teaching work program of skilled teachers.Mature teachers are the backbone of the school teachers group,the main group to stabilize the quality of school education and improve the teaching quality.However,the professional development of the junior high school in Shanghai,mature teachers are facing many difficulties in their work day in and day out of occupation burnout,prospects for the development of occupation is not clear,is facing a veteran of a small family difficulties and bear the economic pillar of the family pressure leads to the professional development of the weak will.With the development of Shanghai junior high school students due to the relationship between the population has experienced a population explosion,less and equal development stage,most of the junior high school "60","70" is the main body of the crowd.This part of the junior high school teachers in the higher proportion of senior titles,they have lost the title of the promotion of the strong demand for professional development is not very urgent.The school also believes that some teachers basically can also give less take charge as chief of,this part of the teachers a lot of attention.Over time,this part of the maturity of the professional development of teachers on the stagnation or even retrogression.Because education ideas and teaching methods have not been updated in a timely manner,this part of the group will become the constraints of the school to promote the reform of teaching,but also the different voices of the school democratic atmosphere.With the start of a new round of education reform,basic education has become the focus of attention of the whole society,and improving the quality of teachers has always been the focus of the work of the school.Mature teachers as school teachers subject,the status of their work,a research and teaching culture development will will form the school,but the school culture is whether development or development result is one of the most important factors significantly.This research mainly uses the literature research method,questionnaire method and interview method to obtain personal comprehensive analysis,theoretical basis by reading a lot of literature,through questionnaires and interviews of teachers of junior middle school teachers' occupation maturity describes the development situation and problems,and the results of data analysis and interview to discuss the influencing factors and finally puts forward some feasible countermeasures of junior high school teachers' professional development mature period.The full text is divided into four parts:the first part,the research questions,through the current situation of school education and literature review,put forward the necessity of studying the professional development of junior high school teachers.The second part,based on the survey data and interview results of junior high school teachers,the author puts forward the current problems of the professional development of junior middle school teachers in Shanghai.The third part analyzes the causes of the professional development of junior middle school teachers.The fourth part,this paper puts forward the effective countermeasures of the professional development of junior middle school teachers.After the study,the author summarizes the countermeasures to promote the professional development of teachers of junior middle school maturity:to expand the continuing education of junior middle school teachers' channel maturity;two to optimize the in-service training of mature teachers of junior high school;three to create a learning community,developing platform,performance optimization and other measures to stimulate the development of teachers occupation burnout overcome power.The professional development of junior high school teachers maturity is a systematic project,only from the policy,institutional guarantee and humanistic care efforts to stimulate teachers' development mature drive,promoting teachers' continuing active development,so that the reform of school education is full of vitality,achieve all-round development of schools,teachers and students.
Keywords/Search Tags:[junior high school], [mature teachers], [professional development]
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