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Research On Community Correction From The Perspective Of Social Governance

Posted on:2018-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542492307Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Community correction and prison correction,is a kind of penalty execution way.The main mode of the criminal and the society is not isolated,but the use of social resources and social mobilization to reform criminals,this is a kind of special crowd management system.At present,the community correction punishment the whole world has been generally used.Community correction on community,government,society and citizens to participate effectively in the aspects of power,to protect and respect the rights of the individual.The crime by legal,social and humane correction way to reform criminals,so as to achieve the control of criminals Objective to ensure social stability.Community correction is a progress of the concept of punishment,but also realize the national stage to promote a beneficial attempt of judicial reform and innovation of social management.Although at present,China's community correction work has made some achievements,but carries on the analysis from the perspective of public administration,we can see community correction because of the lag in legislation law enforcement agencies of the government set is not reasonable,there are some difficulties due to the current operation.Therefore,taking the city of Wujiang district as an example,research on the current China's social governance from the perspective of community correction.Firstly,theory of social governance and community correction Are analyzed,and then analyses the present situation and problems of community correction in China,and the developed countries of the community correction practice and experience for reference,put forward the countermeasure correspondingly,and the social governance under the concept of community correction reform path is explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community correction, Social governance, Wujiang District
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