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On The Role Of High Technology In The Pension Space Emotional

Posted on:2017-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330488968230Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the industrial revolution,more than 200 years,human development is by leaps and bounds,the rapid development of science and technology,progress of the world's largest power,technology penetrated practically every area of life,production.In the history of the development of social ageing has become an unavoidable issue in many countries,the number of older persons in the gradually increasing the proportion of the total,bringing the inevitable result: shrinkage of the labor force,the country's GDP growth slow,the proportion of medical expenditure to increase.Aging involves every aspect,but it is in the process of development of each country are going through the process,but each State in excessive pressure on the process of aging society is different.According to the group,derived from the services industry has so much potential.The spiritual and material needs of the elderly population growth and the relative lack of pension services supply main contradiction is the contradiction between the development of undertakings for the aged,in the article advocates the use of science and technology as the driving force,development of enterprise for elderly population,mainly for pension application of space technology,intelligent pensions has become a trend,the use of technology to provide the elderly with better conditions.Older people has made great contributions to society,they are provided by the right to enjoy social welfare.Some old people still do contribute to the country,of course,are well looked after and arrangements.In the case of providing a good living environment for them,should be based on the old peculiar psychological characteristics and physical features to design a truly suitable for the living room,in the process of designing the emotional needs of the elderly as the major research,humanistic care into every design detail.With the increasing number of elderly people,services in design for the elderly has gradually become the mainstream of design industry.This paper from the old man's psychological characteristics and physical features to consider,think about what old people really need is,the correct treatment of the elderly due to the age of the physiological and psychological changes.Then according to the real needs of older persons point of view,when the space is described in designing pension,how to better solve emotional problems.Design of smart home into space simultaneously,let science and technology play a role in pension space as a whole.Finally gives examples of smart home design in the retirement space application and development status of our intelligent pension,clearly pointed out that the future intelligent endowment to the country is the inevitable result of the development of science and technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:the elderly, pension space, humane care, intelligent Endowment
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