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The Research On The Improvement Of Urban Planning And Decision-Making In China Under The Scientific Concept Of Development

Posted on:2016-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330473967231Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs pointed out the importance of urban vibrancy. If being monotonous, and lack of energy, a city would only walk to self-destruction. If nurturing diversity and vitality, the city will breed out enough power, ultimately solve development problems, and revitalize itself. Scientific urban planning and decision-making is the driving force to stimulate the inner vitality of a city. It can indicate the direction and objectives of urban development, benefit rational space design, ensure equal distribution of resources, optimize living environment, and meet the public interest and needs, so that a complex city can grow in order, rapidly and sustainably.The concept of scientific development with Hu Jintao as the core of the fourth generation of central leadership to emancipate the mind, seeking truth from facts, carry out theoretical innovation, and it is a significant achievement, showing that our party of human social development, socialist construction and communist rule understanding reached a new height, enriched and developed the Marxist theory. "People-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable" scientific outlook emphasizes the "people-oriented", the urban planning decision-making work and it puts forward higher requirements.At present, China is committed to the construction of the new urbanization, so how to adhere to the values of the scientific outlook on development, and how to do a good job in urban planning decision-making has become an important subject worth studying. Although in recent years, our country began to pay attention to the urban planning decision to use the concept of scientific development, paying attention to public participation and insisting on planning in accordance with the law. In urban planning decision-making, it is often deviated from the core values of "people-oriented" concept, lack of overall and sustainable development ability. The degree of urban planning decision making multiple participation and democratization is not enough. The capability for city planning in accordance with the decision and programmed decisions still waits for further improvement. The purpose of this paper is to combine the value of the scientific concept of development of urban planning decision. After analyzing the causes of the problems of urban planning decision-making basis, the aim is to reasonably absorb and draw lessons from foreign urban planning decision making, and to explore new urbanization construction situation, to improve the work of urban planning decision-making ideas and find the feasible way, so that it gives full play to the "leading" urban planning regulation and guidance function, finally realize the urban planning decision making more scientific, with democratization and legalization, and realize scientific and sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific concept of development, urban planning and decision-making, Improvement
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