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Research On A Company’s R & D Performance Appraisal System

Posted on:2015-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461991031Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the global Industrialization system, the cyclic development in low level of Chinese high technology industries has not been changed totally. We must strengthen our construction on scientific knowledge and innovation ability. With the increase of the amount of scientists and engineers in company, they play more and more important role. It is expected that the more than 50% of the profits will come from new products within five years. Knowledge-based employee plays the key role in new products, but we have not paid much attention on the R&D performance assessment. Different fields have different assessments, also, the assessment to normal employee is not suitable for the knowledge-based employee. To conclude, it is necessary to study specifically the assessment to the R&D talents(knowledge-based employee). The result is important to the similar companies for reference.This thesis has an systematic analysis and research on the the R&D performance assessment of knowledge-based employee in R&D companies. Firstly, it summarizes the background and meaning of the thesis, the research situation at home and abroad,train of thought, and the main ideas; secondly, it analyzes the sorts, job category, job characteristic of knowledge-base employee; later, it stated the theoretical connotation; what’s more, it comes up with the KPI irrationality of R&D assessment system, the small proportion of the salary assessment,poor communication and feedback, unreasonable application of the performance assessment result, and analyses the reasons of all these problems, based on which, it constructs the new performance assessment,which is more suitable for knowledge-based employee combined with theoretical knowledge. At last,it designs one system for empirical analysis, combined with the result in Company A for R&D performance assessment, to introduce the PDM process management and PBC performance commitment scheme.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge-based Employee, R & D Perfomance Assessment, PDM, PBC
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