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Design And Development Of Office Automation And Information Management System Based On SSH Framework

Posted on:2016-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482454824Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Office automation system helps enterprises to achieve a comprehensive technology business and office procedure, electronic and automation. With the computer technology over the past few years more and more popular, many large enterprises have already realized the automation and networking of office. Due to a reason of software cost many SME did not combine office process and computer technology to their own. The office automation system in this paper is according to the situation for small and medium enterprises. Office automation system transaction type is not about big and whole system experience, it also not the large office system with the "advanced" text edit function, but the small and medium-sized enterprises electronic office automation system.In this paper, the office automation system in the domestic and foreign research and development situation are introduced. Then, we give the introduction of the core technology used in the process of implementation of office automation system. These techniques mainly include: HTML, CSS, JSP and SSH framework. Office automation system through the application of open source technology we can build modular, easy to upgrade and modify according to the actual situation. Then, according to the design target of the system and user characteristics of office automation system settings of the two aspects of system functional requirements and non functional requirements are analyzed. The design also needs to meet the applicability, reliability, security, scalability, and maintainability. In the next section, the designs of the system are introduced, including the hierarchical design of each functional module design and the system. Once again, we give the detailed implementation of the office automation system, including the SSH framework is how to realize in the system, the realization of each function module in the situation within the system. Finally, we have a foothold in this system is presented in this paper is summarized and prospects for future system improvements.Through the design and development of the office automation system, the realization details of thinking development technology and the development of our system design approach and method. Through the a pplication of the system, we also help s mall and medium enterprises to create of fice automation system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Office Automation, Management System, SSH Framework
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