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Design And Implementation Of Student Status Management System Of Hunan Radio And TV University

Posted on:2015-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473958246Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
People pay more attention on the importance of computer science the beginning of 21 century. Its powerful functions have been revealed in different social levels.With the vi gorous development of Chin a’s vocational education, the vocational schools have been expanding enrollm ent, the school’s enrollment management increasingly becomes a heavy burden. Using the traditional management model to enroll information must waste a lot of m anpower, material and financial resources inevitably.Therefore, how to improve the level of student information management and how to establish the suitable student information management system have become the important issues of the pr ocess of building the schoo l. Comparing with the old management method in the security and re liability, the advantages of com puter management, are gradually reflected. It can greatly improve the efficiency of student management by using the com puter technology and database technology and development of the student m anagement system. So that the design of such a set of software has become the urgent need of student management department.At present, m any domestic and foreign universities and scien tific research institutions have researched and developed some school management softwares. But the actual application of high cost, complicated use up problems gradually manifested.Especially with the gradual expansion of higher education institutions and the increasing dramatically of school graduates every year, checking the graduate academic eligibility accurately and efficiently is m ore and more important.So improving the existing school student information management system is our current important task.This thesis chooses the exam ple of Vocational College to analyze student information management and collect the relevant information about student information management. Also, the thesis conf irms demands and objectives about the students management information system. And according to the demands, the thesis shows the software design optim ization, designs a nd achieves the m ain function m odules detailedly as well. In the process of GUI de sign, it gives full consideration to the needs of user ex perience to improve the usability of the sy stem. The system uses SQLsever2008. Visual Basic 6is used as softwa re development tools. After a period of research and testing, T he system has been developed and has been put into trial operation period. The use effect is goodand realize the school student inform ation management, which enhances the school’s management level and efficiency greatly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enrollment management, VB6.0, SQLsever2008, security
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