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Employment Website Design And Implementation Of Sichuan Water Conservancy Vocational And Technical College

Posted on:2015-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473955778Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the one hand, with the rapid developm ent of China’s retail industry as well as consumers continue to improve the service requirements, retail demand is improving the quality of talent, how to im prove the quality of employees within a limited investment in the retail sector is facing a m ajor problems. On the ot her hand, in particular the development of information technology Web technology makes it fam iliarity with the medium, and the dependence on the rise, m ore and more people are f amiliar with and adapt to this new m edia. How Web technology and staff training to combine the retail industry, the retail industry in order to prom ote the quality of personnel is the problem to be solved in this topic.Retail clerk simulation training system is a typical app lication examples of Web technology. Based on the development of the necessary technical knowledge required to explain the system, in accordan ce with th e idea of software design, com pleted the system requirements analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing. Development system is built on PHP technology and integrated use of Ajax technology, MVC technology, XML technology and data base management technology. Determine the system’s user system requirements analysis phase of the three m odules, the system administrator user function m odules, faculty and student user user modules function modules. First introduced in the system design phase of the system MVC architecture design, after the core function module for each user function m odule system depends : Job module, forum module, resource m odule, test m odule, inte ractive evaluation module launched separately described. Introd uced in the realization stage of system implementation and the realization of the sy stem architecture for each user function module. Completed the function of t he system and non-functional testing in the testing phase, the test resu lts show that the developm ent of the system to achieve the desired target system design.This system is also seen as an application of content management systems, system architecture design in the traditional MVC architecture refactoring, adding features such as URL buffering m echanism, so that th e efficiency of th e system has been furth er improved. Operational system will be able to promote the healthy d evelopment of the retail industry, in the case of low investment and significantly improve the efficiency of training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Simulation training, MVC architecture, design and implementation
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