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Design And Implementation Of Customer Service Tracking Management System For Bank Of Ningxia

Posted on:2016-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473954309Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development and application of modern information technology, network information technology industries growing in popularity, banking information technology has also been considerable development. In twenty-first Century, the financial environment changes abruptly, the face of increasingly fierce competition in the market for financial services, the bank has gradually from the financial products to shift the focus of development mode to the customer as the center of the bank. The use of network technology, to promote financial services showing a diversified development trend, diversified. Now, the bank has put the customer service into the important assessment indicators, once the bank customer number, deposit funds, technology application is not as important measure. With the development and mode of economic change, spreads among the banks is more and more small, in the face of fierce competition in the banking industry needs to get a space for one person must be fully aware of the market, through innovative ideas, seeking a new way of operation.This system is the B/S structure to achieve the Ningxia bank customer service tracking management system based on the system, mainly to achieve customer management, customer management, statistics, system settings, user management, log management, information management, resource sharing 9 modules, the implementation of practical value and research management, develop new business, business documentary, customer reservation, cooperation intention to stay the development of customer to customer with high, also uses ASP.NET technology to meet the development demand of the current system, to facilitate the expansion and maintenance of late functional modules.In the process of system design, the system uses the B/S structure mode, using ASP.NET language design and SQL SERVER database. Ningxia bank customer service tracking management system can be run on any WINDOWS platform, mainly to the system demand analysis, system design, and system implementation are discussed, the design process using the knowledge of the system function module needs analysis, the system use case, use case form to complete the detailed demand analysis module; the design of the overall design, system development, system topology function module in the design, focusing on the use of the package diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram and system logic design, display, the system interface in the realization of the system flow chart, the core code complete implementation, through the test, the normal operation of the system and the impermanence of compliance wrong, has the stability and safety of the good. Through the development of the system of bank customer service tracking and customer management needs to solve fundamentally, the bank changed the traditional office mode and management mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Bank of Ningxia, customer service tracking, management system, B/S, ASP.NET, SQL SERVE
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