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The Design And Implementation Of College Retirement Information Management System Based On B/S

Posted on:2016-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467497346Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s economy, the population also increased, China hasquickly entered the population aging stage and the number of retirees is increasing every year.Due to the rapid development of higher vocational education and postgraduate education and theexpansion of colleges and universities, the number of teachers as well as the retirees has beenincreasing. The reality for college and university management is how to work on the retireemanagement.Computer information technology has been growing rapidly and widely used.Informatization is changing how people work, live and learn. The traditional ways ofhandwritten statistics and un-networked archives couldn’t adapt to the new situation. The use ofmodern computer information technology to establish a university retirees file system to achievereal-time acquisition and processing of information, and improve the efficiency of retirees’records management, accomplish university retirees archival information resources sharing, raisethe quality of management personnel and work efficiency.This paper investigated the current situation of domestic and foreign universities retireemanagement platform, as well as the future trend of development, the system uses the uniqueretiree service platform of China as reference, to clear the development environment of thehardware and software for the platform. The author is very familiar with the daily managementsince one has been working in university retiree management and service field. Therefore, a largenumber of retiree management relevant data and resources can be collected. The system designedin this project with a clear purpose that is for the author’s own work and users’ needs. Afterlooked into the reality of the college and university retiree service platform’s construction andapplication, the user needs and feasibility of the system together with case study of retiredteachers and branch secretary has been analyzed. The result along with the author’s workexperience determined the function section of the system. The design platform of the systemimplements B/S three-tier structure to ensure the convenient and secure in later softwareoperation. By using Servlet, MVC technology in model development, system efficiency incomplex decomposition of technical operations encapsulates is improved. The system uses JSPlanguage as the core technology and connects background data via SERVLET SQLServer database, combined with the structure of the system in actual operation. the development ofsimple and convenient and practical with a kind of custom college and university retireeinformation management system.College and university retiree information management system in this paper is therealization of the investigation and analysis based on the results of actual society through theanalysis, design and implementation of the college and university retiree informationmanagement platform, the system fulfills the basic functions of archives, retiree management,elder association management and Party affair information management. The implementation ofthe system will facilitate the integration of rural information resources; It has promotion andpractical value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Retired Cadres, Management System, B/S Mode, MVC Framework
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