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The Design And Implementation Of Collaborative Office System Based On Workflow Technology

Posted on:2016-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467497183Subject:Software management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the21st century, with the rapid development of society, science and technologyadvances in software design and development process, workflow technology has beenpromoted and popularized, involving many fields and industries among office systems as onerepresentatives. Through effective use of workflow technology that can enhance theintelligence and automation of business processes from nature.Workflow is "part or the whole of the business process in a computer environment ofautomation." Is the business rules and workflow between the respective steps of the abstract,general description. The main problem is the main solution workflow: In order to achieve abusiness objective, the use of computers according to some predefined rules to automaticallytransfer documents, information or tasks between multiple participants. Part in the computer,workflow belong Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in. The latter is generallystudied how a group to work together with the help of a computer under. OA, also known as:OA. As companies improve coordination office requirements, along with expansion of thedefinition of coordination office, which is elevated to the category of intelligent office. Mostcompanies not only need to address the daily office routine functions collaborative assetmanagement, business management, information exchange, and instant communication, datasharing, mobile office and other aspects of further demand, not only that, many companies areseeking to lower cost, high-performance, highly integrated, intelligent management ofintegrated business management application platform, thus creating a series of collaborativeoffice systems.The design and implementation of collaborative office system based onworkflow technology, fundamentally to provide scientific basis for managementdecision-making and enterprise, and facilitate rapid realization of automation andmodernization of enterprises. At the same time, is beneficial to the optimization of businessprocess system, realize the information resource sharing between organic, promote enterpriseagencies, departments, all staff depth cooperation, and ultimately achieve the expected standard setting system.Based on workflow technology cooperative office system in the design and developmentprojects, the author first workflow architecture model, architecture standards-depth research;secondly a reasonable construction of four models: one process model; the second isorganizational model; Third, access control models; four is the resource model. By buildingon several models, in-depth describes the basic features of the workflow; again, make thesystem according to the model used in the creation, focusing on workflow system corefunction module system analysis; Then, collaborative office system design proposed program,while the use of rapid prototyping and iterative method of secondary analysis and developed aframework of specific features of the system; finally, I use the.NET Framework andASP.NET technology to complete the construction of multi-mode, for expand based workflowtechnology cooperative office system detailed design and analysis, and implementation of thesystem code, complete the concrete core of the system design and development of functionalmodules.Design and implementation can provide a fundamental scientific basis for managementdecisions and business workflow technology based collaborative office systems to facilitatequick automation and modernization. At the same time, help to optimize business processsystems, and information resources sharing organic, promote enterprise agencies, departments,and the depth of cooperation relations between the officers, the system is expected toeventually reach the set standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:collaborative office, workflow, system planning, .NET
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