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The Analysis On The Publishing Management System In The Republican Period Of China

Posted on:2016-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
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This thesis takes the publishing management system in the Republican period of China as the research object. Based on a large number of historical data, history theory, management science theory and communication theory, the thesis attempts to restore the real picture of publishing management system in the Republican period of China and summary the construction of this publishing management system out of it.The main body of the paper falls into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the factors that contribute to the come into being of the publishing management system in the Republican period of China through analyzing the dissemination of the western ideology of’freedom" and "equality", the objective research on social environment in Qing Dynasty, continuity and development of the publishing management system in Qing Dynasty. The conclusion drawn from this part of study clearly demonstrate the distinctive feature of the publishing management system in the Republican period of China compared to the previous ones. The second chapter is the detailed analysis of the publication management system in the Republican period of China which can be divided into four sections:publications access system, publication censorship system, publication distribution system and the management system of the booksellers association.On the basis of the second chapter,The third chapter discusses the features of the publishing management system in the Republican period of China from the three aspects: publishing controlling principles, the embodiment of both democratic and authoritarian management ideology,diversification and localized inspection standards. In terms of the publishing controlling principles, the government does not always suppress publication but adopt a combination of "harsh" and "loose" principles to approach the management publication; And the so-called democratic and authoritarian management ideology is in fact the governments pseudo-democratic politics to achieve their autocratic purpose;What’s more, governments apply different management methods depending on different types of publications.According to the characteristics of the local,government will develop a suitable management system respectively. The fourth chapter discusses the impact of the publishing management system in the Republican period of China. It is divided into three sections:the basic framework of the system of the publishing industry,the dominant position of the private publishing entity and the restricted development of the publishing industry.It is clear that publishing management system back then plays an important role in the history of the publishing industry, regardless of the time in the Republican period or the modern time.The conclusion is the sublimation and supplement on the basis of the analysis discussed in the preceding chapters, it analyzes the essential purpose and some problems of this publishing management system.On the basis of an objective analysis,the author advocates a dialectical view on the publishing management System in the Republican period of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Republican period of China, Publishing, Management System, Historical Conditions
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