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Design And Implementation Of Online Music Listctiveening News Retrieval Intera Website Construction

Posted on:2016-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461978339Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of the domestic Internet technology, more and more let people realize the importance of dynamic website. Dynamic web page also gradually replace static, become the mainstream of today’s site. The blog. Is a kind of simple and easy way of personal information. Anyone can register and complete personal web page to create, publish and update. Blogs make full use of network interaction, update the characteristics of real-time, let you as soon as get the most valuable information and resources; You can play an unlimited expressive, instant record and personal life stories, flash of inspiration, etc.; Can Shanghai more, make friends with and gathering, and in-depth communication.Website contains three topics, one is the blog comment system, ideas embodied in his blog comments here real-time, fast and convenient user operation is simple, the easier, easy to master post published and reviewed. Second, my blog site architecture includes music downloading audio-visual systems, at the same time in the blog published music can be used to make a blog users feel more pleasure, so is bound to attract users continue to use, to promote the ascension of users. Thirdly, blog system also includes news interaction system, the content of the blog for the most part is of practical and see what you hear, then use instant news publishing system, enables users to react to the news, and comment or post to achieve the purpose of communication sharing interest in all kinds of information and consulting.This paper also introduced the structure of the page analysis and specific functions, web interface and operation way, try to simulate the modern web universal form, become a complete dynamic website. Using ASP (Active Server Pages) technology, database, and the corresponding web development software, this paper expounds the site Taiwan before and after the design, and carried on the elaboration to its function, realize the use of the function of the entire site. Through the design of the entire site, illustrates the common problems encountered in the production process of the solution.
Keywords/Search Tags:blog, News Browse, Internet
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