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Design And Implementation Of Zhuhai Police PGIS Management Information System

Posted on:2015-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330452470285Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The subject comes from Ministry of Public Security’s "Golden Shield" project (one ofthe top ten national information technology projects, which uses modern informationtechnology tools to enhance capability of public security organs unified command, theoverall combat and rapid response, combating criminal activities with the fastest and mostefficient way.) The main topic of study is the design and implementation of PGIS ZhuhaiPublic Security management Information system..PGIS platform made by the Ministry of Public Security is geographic informationsystems used for geographic information application development common technicalproblems with the police agreed to develop and build software. Ministry, provincial andmunicipal public security departments can install the PGIS platform software, professionalpolice PGIS platform for diverse types of business applications based on services andinterface development. With the PGIS platform support, based on the needs of communitypolicing, PGIS platform software progresses application development or transformation ofexisting business applications, and to achieve the Ministry, provincial and municipal policeoperation and networking interoperability with geographic information systems.Intelligent statistics and analyzation by the system PGIS Zhuhai Public SecurityManagement Information Systems snapps business needs to take advantage of the city’spolice intelligence huge amounts of data, to achieve the effective realization of policeintelligence, and to assiste leadership decision; Overall technological level will reachinternational level..
Keywords/Search Tags:PGIS, Management information system, B/S structure. Web frameworktechnology
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