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Countermeasures Of Local Government Management On Network Public Opinion

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330452470165Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Internet has changed the information dissemination patternsin China as well as people’s information retrieval method, which is changing thepublic opinion patterns of the society.The Internet has become an influential emergingmedia, an important platform for the existence of public opinions and a significantforce affecting the public opinion. How to reply to Internet public opinion has been animportant matter of government’s workings and a new challenge for those basiclevel governments especially.By taking Ninghe County for example and in way of summing up the relativeliterature, gathering and analysing data, making contrastive analysis and showingexamples,this article analyses the current condition of how basic level governmentsregulate the public opinion.In addition, the article sums up Ninghe’s active exploringand effective experiences in regulating Internet public opinion.It also analyses theproblems that Ninghe County has to deal with during the process of Internet publicopinion regulation. Moreover, it offers operable and targeted suggestions of how toenforcing the Internet public opinion regulation on the basis of exploring thereasons causing those problems from the aspects of social background, managementprinciple, management system and management team construction.The author expects that by completing the system, improving the professionalregulation level, enforcing the guiding ability and promoting the cyber environment,Ninghe Count will regulating the Internet public opinion more effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network Public Opinion, Local Government, Management, Ninghe
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