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The Design And Implementation Of Student Information Management System

Posted on:2016-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467998280Subject:The modern education technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information techno logy,management of the schools is more and more important by use of the computer. Student information management system is an important part of the school management system in the every school, which can carry on the standardized management to the student’s information and the performance information. In this paper,based on fully analyzed on the basis of constructivism learning theory, combined with the actual situation of the current students, student information management as the core, take the student as the main body of scientific analysis, thus student information management system was designed and implemented.In this paper, through the requirements and performance analysis of the system, clear the goal of system development, the development process of the whole system always revolve around how to help students to self management and self development, in a variety of technical means to promote the students’ self management, to improve the efficiency of management of student work.Student information management system is based on SQL Server2008as the background database, Visual Studio2010as the development platform, C#as the development language for design and production, at the same time using the B/S (Browser/server) mode.This system take the role of the permissions management.Administrators, teachers and students can be in any client to access the system through the network, who can modify, add or search etc. The paper also introduces in detail the design and the realization method of each function module of the system. In the end,the system is summarized, and put forward the improvement ideas.This system for school management provides a good platform for the information management, to promote the comprehensive work of the school quality education.
Keywords/Search Tags:information management, functional design, C#, SQL Server
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