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Design And Implementation Of Product Code Management System Based On B/S Model

Posted on:2015-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A F HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467456749Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of society, the level of industrial progress,people’s quality requirements are also continuously improve. This requires a numberof products for products coded to do aftermarket retrospective, enhance theircorporate image, but also to better serve our customers.Enterprise is an enterprise information technology in all aspects of productionand management to promote the application of information technology, the fulldevelopment and utilization of internal and external information resources andhuman resources to establish organizational model with this adaptation, therebyenhancing the production, management and decision-making process efficiencylevels and operating efficiency, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in theprocess, to carry out the construction of enterprise information is the fundamentalpurpose of the transformation of traditional industries and the development ofinformation technology as the core of the process of high-tech industries, andcontinuously improve business development and innovation, management andcompetitiveness.This paper describes the current development of information technology andoffice automation business, and analyses the difficulties encountered by SMEs in themanufacturing sector, puts forward the purpose and significance of the subject.Enterprise scale continues to expand, growing R&D capabilities, productdiversification, diversification and lay a solid foundation, but also to bring a certainamount of management more difficult. With the growing number of enterpriseproduct type, product version, whether the management of a single type of productor a unique identifier management, only by way of artificial forms management hasbeen far do not meet the requirements of enterprises, product type encoding method is not complete rules version management confusion, a unique identifier for thewrong product, reuse, cross-type phenomenon occurs frequently used, it is called "amulti-code","a code for multiple objects".In order to solve the product code and version management problems, avoid theproduct,"a multi-code","a code division multiple objects", and effectively avoiddata easily lost due to paper management, the status quo is not easy to query theenterprise need for a product code and version management systems.This paper describes the current development of information technology andoffice automation business, and the difficulties encountered by SMEs in themanufacturing sector are analyzed, pointing out the drawbacks because the productcan not be unified coding, unified management generated. Product warranty period,as some have been sent back to the customer service, the results of a staffinvestigation records, but found that the unique identifier on the Memo is another aproduct, and lying quiet warehouse. This directly affects the corporate image, saidthe most likely serious loss of this customer!In this context, this paper presents the design and implementation of codemanagement system, in accordance with certain rules, the product version andproduct unique identifier for system control, automatically increase the productversion, the product of a unique identifier in the database range the automaticre-sentenced, which realize the product classification and coding, to improve animportant way for labor productivity and scientific management level. Puts forwardthe purpose and significance of the subject, and introduces the research topics andresearch methods.After that, this paper analyses the characteristics of JSP technology and JDBCtechnology and their advantages in system development. Both of the technologiesmake up the technical direction for the development of product code and versionmanagement system.Then this paper carries out a detailed needs analysis for the product code and version management system, elaborates for each module and the relationshipbetween the modules. Ensure the functionality development for the product code andversion management system.Finally, this paper takes the subtype module of the product code and versionmanagement system for example, demonstrates the operation of the product codeand version management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:JSP, B/S Mode, Product Coding Management System
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