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Research And Application Of Heating Charges Management System In The Internet Environment

Posted on:2014-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422468920Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heating costs is a major economic income of heating enterprises, is to solve the winter residents heating and heating equipment repair is the only source of funds. But the customer information management, work hard to charge, supervision is difficult, difficult, arrearage fee data maintenance, statistical difficult problem has been plagued by heating enterprises, especially the regulations charging policy and management changes will bring devastating effects on the charge.In recent years, the rapid development of computer technology makes heating enterprises gradually from manual accounting to the computer charge, so that the work efficiency has been greatly improved. Compared with the single charge management system, real-time, easy to learn, easy deployment, less investment, quick features, enable managers to no matter when and where, as long as they are able to connect to the corporate network through software, real-time fee schedule, improve work efficiency.With the development of Internet technology is mature, heating scale has expanded each year, before fees management software of stand-alone edition began to lag behind reality requirements, unable to realize real-time query, not easy to manage and attendants know charging operation status, I carefully to understand business requirements and functions of the existing software analysis, in combination with the present level of programming, design and development of the charge management system. And the repeated modification and client authentication, provides convenience for users and administrators.The development of this system using a structured design. Introduces the design of heating charges management system in the development of mind and background, system development tools, development of the structure of concrete steps.
Keywords/Search Tags:heating, charging system, store d procedures, Web, B/S
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