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The Study On Equalization Of Basic Public Health Services

Posted on:2016-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330470974121Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Equalization of basic public health services is the one that every citizen in China has the equal access to. The very first sentence of the Party’s Report of 18th Conference said that the target is to "comprehensively improve people’s living standards" and "by 2020 to achieve the overall goal of the equalization of basic public services". Equalization of basic public services is an important part of basic public health services, which really counts to promote the equalization of each citizen and to protect the health services.With this as the background, this study is going to cover the equalization of basic public health service issues of Wanli District, Nanchang. The main elements can be seen as follows. First, the proposal and significance of the equalization of basic public health service issues. The formation and implementation of the idea took hold in China no more than half a century. After the reform and opening up, with the boost of the process of marketalization, the concept of the equalization of basic public health service issues was introduced into China. After the heated discussions for decades, this idea was gradually accepted by most of the theorists and decision-makers. The equalization of basic public health service issues means that the citizens of the People’s Republic of China, no matter what brackets of gender, age, race, place of residence, occupation and income level they belong to, can get equal services, guarantee the free or less-paid services with security, effectivity and conveniences.Second, the analysis of the current situation. Since 2011, with 3 years of efforts, the equalization of basic public health service issues has witnessed some achievements, running effectively at warrant, guarantee system, responsibilities that advance assurance, supervision and evaluation assurance, service assurance. In this paper,12 residents from Wanli District have been interviewed randomly so as to know more about the current situation of this project in the area.Thirdly, the problem analysis of the equalization of basic public health services in Wanli District, Nanchang. There exist to be these aspects in raising funds that the overall investment is insufficient and the funds-collection structure is unreasonable; then, there is a phenomenon of neglecting prevention and valuing medical treatment; also, it lacks some stable mechanism for the fund investment from the government. In terms of the capacity and quality of services, it is short of people who are experts in the management of community health; propaganda is not in place as well as the content of service;the service project develops uneve; Two-way referral channel is not available to everyone; healthy and medical staff lacks capacity and technology in medical care. Moreover, there exists phenomenon that the performance and supervision are just used to cope with examination and the assessment of the content and standards haven’t been taken into account with actual situation. The establishment of the assessment system doesn’t apply to the reality.Fourthly, sort out the advanced experiences of the equalization of basic health services in Canada, Australia, the United States, Switzerland and other countries.Fifth, the countermeasures for the development of the equalization of basic public health services in Wanli District, Nanchang. After drawing lessons from international experience, the suggestions should be proposed to the equalization of basic public health services in Wanli District, Nanchang; making the public aware of the importance of the equalization of basic public health services. Increasing local funding for basic public health services; the projects of basic public health services should be balanced while developing; improving service quality and work enthusiasm of staff in primary level; Enhancing health education and improving the residents’ medical consciousness; establishing and polishing up medical care and two-way referral system; improving the basic public health service system of performance appraisal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wanli District of Nanchang, basic public health services, equalization of health services
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