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Diagnosis And Treatment Of Canine Patellar Dislocation

Posted on:2015-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330434960146Subject:Clinical veterinary medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Canine patellar dislocation is a joint disease of the diastasis of the patella and trochleargroove caused by genetic, external force or other factors, and can inhibit normal limbmovement. It commonly occurs in small breed dogs in the pet clinic, and can result in sickanimal hindlimb pain, lameness, even paralysis. Among patients who relatively minor injuriesonly occasionally emerge the diastasis and can reset, while some seriously may lead topermanent dislocation. This disease is confirmed by clinical examination and X-rayfluoroscopy. According to the degree of dislocation patellar dislocation can be divided intofour grades, which is used to treatment options. Generally, Dislocation of patella in two grade andtwo grade below should be treated conservatively and in three grade and three grade aboverecommended to use surgery.This paper investigated the clinical diagnosis and treatment of13patellar dislocation,8of which were treated conservatively and the others taken surgery. Conservative treatmentinvolves oral joint protection drugs combined with laser therapy. Trochlear cartilagerectangular extension and tibia tuberosity transfer in combination with antibiotic suppressiontherapy and special protection are taken in surgical treatment. After the meticulous care andappropriate rehabilitation training, all patients made a good recovery and were dischargedwell. And the follow-up visits had obtained good effect. With typical cases, this paperintroduces in detail the diagnosis and treatment of the disease and the recovery effect of dogs.Practices show that both conservative treatment involving oral joint protection drugscombined with laser therapy to canine patellar dislocation cases in two grade and two grade belowand surgical therapy including trochlear cartilage rectangular extension, tibial tuberositytransfer and supporting ligament relaxation technique to canine patellar dislocation cases inthree grade and three grade above can reached good therapeutic effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:canine, patellar dislocation, hierarchical, diagnosis, treatment
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