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Research On Cantonese Region Jianjiang River Ancestral Temples In Plan And Beams

Posted on:2016-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330479494861Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jianjiang River area is a sub-area of Cantonese region.The architecture in Jianjiang Riverarea have many characteristics of Cantonese region buildings.Compare with architecture inPearl River Delta, architecture here have local characteristics which reflect in building’s planand beams.These research can finally become one part of ancestral architecture research ofCantonese, especially the sub-areas outside the Pearl River Delta.First, I observe and study in some typical ancestral temples, and research in relatedliterature. Than, I try to find typical characteristics in plan and beams of ancestral temples inclassification statistic and typological analysis. And typical rules between plan and beams canexplained by module orders analysis.The introduction is the first part of this graduation thesis. It is the foundation of thisthesis. It include the concept of topic, the analyse of concepts, the method of research,thetechnical route, correlation studies and related literature. And the object and scope of researchis foundation of following parts.This graduation thesis divide into four major parts.Part 1:This is the second chapter of this graduation thesis. In this chapter, I sum up thedevelopment background of those ancestral temples characteristics, by combine the naturalbackground and the social background together. And sum up the development history ofancestral temples by analysis the history and culture of Jianjiang River area. Actually, thesefour golden periods of ancestral temples: the evening of Ming dynasty, Qianlong and Jiaqingemperors, Daoguang emperor and Republic of China.Part 2: This is the third chapter. By investigated in typical ancestral temples of JianjingRiver area, and sum up that pavilion is a special part of ancestral temple’s plan, which canexplained by natural and social backgrounds. Than I can make clear the inside contacts ofancestral temple’s plan by classification statistic and typological analysis, and found somephenomenon, such as temples for spirits and ancestors usually share the same type of plan.Part 3:This is the forth chapter of this graduation thesis. By investigated in typicalancestral temples of Jianjing River area, and natural and social backgrounds. I sum up thatancestral temples have concentrated purlines on their wood beams is a special characteristic.And present the “Mu Feizhen”, “Ai Dun” wood elements, which are special members onJianjing River area ancestral temple’s beams. And than, make clear the using logic ofancestral temple’s beams, by classification statistic and typological analysis. So, I found thatthe decorative beams have some special distribution in Jianjing River area.Part 4: This is the fifth chapter of this graduation thesis. I explore the architecture sizemodulus in three dimensions:depth, length and height, by investigated in typical ancestraltemples of Jianjing River area, and natural and social backgrounds. Sum up the connection ofplan and beams, and explore the determinism of natural and social background in plan andbeams. Finally, there is a comprehensive connection of plan and beams, and sum up the entiregraduation thesis by connection of plan and beams.These four parts are interconnected and indispensable. The second chapter is afoundation, the third and forth chapters are the main part, and fifth chapter is the connectionof the third and forth chapters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cantonese region, Jianjiang River area, ancestral temples, typology, module orders
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