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Research On The Reuse Design Strategy Of Old Factory

Posted on:2016-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiFull Text:PDF
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In the process of Establish the socialist market economy system and new round of structural adjustment, a large number of state owned enterprises are fa cing losses of collapse, leaving a lot of old buildings and building areas. In recent year s, both the rapid economic development and the construction of city contribute to th e development of construction industry. During the process of construction, there ar e many valuable old factory buildings facing the fate of demolition.The main researc h object of this paper is old factory buildings and building areas. Although thes e buildings lost the original production function, they did not reach the service life of i ts own construction. Treatment and reuse the old building has become a big problem o f the society, which is a focus in the study of this article.The purpose of this researc h is to find out the design strategy for the reuse of the old buildings.Through a large number of field survey of old factory buildings, I choose the ol d factory buildings as the research object in this article. Combining with field meas urement and data search,I have obtained the related information including building de velopment, space element and the characteristics of the surface and elements from al 1 walks of life, thus summed up the advantages and disadvantages of these building s. According to the construction characteristics of old factory buildings, I summariz ed advantages and disadvantages of the modified old building. According to the charac teristics of the old building that transformation of humanized principle, the principl e of respect for local culture and features, the principle of authenticity, symbiosis prin ciple, the principle of environmental protection,the principle of respecting structure. A ccording to the transformation principle combined with field investigation and inform ation search,I analyzed the feasible plan to transform space and various interface.Th rough the design principle and method, Find out the advantages of old factory buil ding transformed into a badminton hall,combining with badminton hall case.this ar ticle has realized the transition from theory to practice.which provide beneficial refere nce and enlightenment to old factory building.
Keywords/Search Tags:old buildings, reuse, design strategy
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