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Design And Implementation Of The OA System Of College Student Union

Posted on:2015-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428498067Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The21st century is the century of information, universal application of Internettechnology, the office of information technology to become one of the mostimportant areas of modern information technology. That office automation OA(Office Automation), the use of information technology to enable people to changevarious office activities done by a computer system in order to improve theefficiency and quality of work role. OA is a product of the information society, inparticular in the field of science and technology currently strong vitality. OA systemas the information technology enterprises, institutions, schools and other units, withimportant economic and practical value. OA system can not only make managementunit more standardized and scientific, but also can improve the efficiency of the unit,reducing operating costs.OA system as an important part of electronic office for information processingsystems have become increasingly demanding. How to do an office automationsystem, become the focus of attention of developers. On this basis, the paper focusedon the University Student Union League Based University Students Leagueenvironment, the use of advanced management theories and the latest office softwaredesign, intended to develop a set of OA system.In this paper, using C/S structure, using the Java programming language, SQLServer database as a system, the use of object-oriented analysis and design methodsin system analysis and design process to Eclipse as a development platform, thepaper says:First, this paper analyzes the importance of the current office automation in theorganization of the office, at home and abroad to the current development of OAsystem based on the significance of this subject and the background are described indetail.In the preparation stage of knowledge, introduced this system in thedevelopment process applied to the technical knowledge, including the C/Sarchitecture, Java programming language, SQL Server database system, Eclipsedevelopment platform.In the analysis phase, this paper League university student needs were discussed, proposed OA system feasibility analysis and demand analysis, and theuse of Microsoft Visio2003drawing diagrams to illustrate relevant.In database design stage, a summary article from the structural design, logicdesign, security design of the three aspects of OA system database designdescription given ER diagram of database systems and specific data table structure.In the system design phase, we use object-oriented analysis method carefullythe various modules of the system design, including overall system architecture,functionality of each module, each module ’s input and output items, and a flowchart of each module is given.In the operational phase of the system, describes the specific operation of eachmodule, and with a running shot in the right place.In the system testing phase, the entire system for each module manual testingto verify the system is functioning as expected requirements.The system ultimately build an integrated office environment, office automation,increased collaboration between the various departments of the University StudentUnion League, has been tested and meet the basic needs of users the system can beimproved to a large extent the University two committees on office efficiency. Theapplication shows that the system has a certain robustness, scalability,maintainability.
Keywords/Search Tags:OA, student union, committee, office automation, Java, C/Sarchitecture
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