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Design And Implementation Of Employee Holographic Information Management System For Enterprise

Posted on:2015-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425995229Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
How to improve the efficiency in the use of human resources, fully mobilize enthusiasm and creativity of human resources is an important and urgent task facing the enterprises. In order to keep the vitality and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, the human resource management of the enterprise must be constantly innovation with the development and changes. In view of the enterprise personnel mechanism, the company decided to establish a holographic tracking management file, to ensure the rational use of personnel according to job requirements and effectively use suitable person in a suitable position. To improve the efficiency of the staff holographic tracking file management, response to the call of the paperless office environment, real play to the role of the holographic tracking files, must develop a holographic information management system, freed the management staff from the boring work, and promote the rational development of enterprise personnel mechanism simultaneously.Employee holographic information management system for enterprise is a web application based on.NET platform, using ASP.NET and related technologies, through Visual Studio2010and Access2007, using C#and JavaScript language. The dissertation starting from the actual background and significance, focuses on the needs analysis, system design and the process of system implementation. Through the description of the use case diagram, sequence diagram, flowchart, the function module and database structure, introduced the five categories users of this system: super administrator, human resources manager, department manager, general staff and the principal leaders, six major functional modules:user login, system management, employee information management, evaluation of department management, comprehensive evaluation of management and query statistics.This system has the advantages of simple operation, high safety and low cost. It ensures the accuracy of employee information and confidentiality, improve the efficiency of the staff information management, provide a guarantee to promote enterprise personnel mechanism rationalization and scientific.
Keywords/Search Tags:ASP.NET, Holographic, Employee Information Management
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