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Fenzhong Advertising Media Management Information System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2014-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425968570Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China’s advertising industry is constantly grow, outdoor advertising isalso developing at a very fast rate. Outdoor advertising media as a new direction forelevator media development is very rapid, but also increasingly developed by themarket’s attention. With the elevator advertising development, many domestic andforeign companies have adopted the elevator media advertising. Participation of thesefamous brands elevator media greatly improved reputation, and thus improve the gradeof the elevator media.Meanwhile, the author has15years of experiences and management positions inadvertising and media industry with deep understanding and awareness for the entireadvertising media industry, specially on information technology work to promoteserious lags, messy advertising agencies management, confused goals, weak structure,too much man-control factors, and low working efficiency. The development of Focusadvertising media management information system is to improve the efficiency of theadvertising industry, standardization of management aspects, and bring benefits toadvertising business development, so that enterprises have a clear work objectives,enterprise systems architecture is improved.The popularity of the Internet and information technology, profoundly changed theadvertising services of the traditional business model and management methods. Use ofcomputer information management data sharing capabilities, allowing more people tokeep abreast of state advertising system operators to accelerate all aspects of theresponse rate and improve innovative advertising system frequency and effect. Thisthesis firstly studies trends and status of the advertising services, managementinformation system requirements are analyzed, and then the system architecture, themain functions and database systems are designed. B/S model is adoptedfor development while using Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server forimplementation. The main function of the system has been extensively tested to verifythat the designed system has good performance and availability.
Keywords/Search Tags:percentage of the audience media, enterprise information, management, information system
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